[Glass TGV] Glass Through-Hole Processing by Laser and Glass Etching

Thin Glass Processing (TGV/LET)

Through Glass Vias (TGV) Processing and
Precision Glass (LET) Processing with High Bending Strength

TGV (micro through hole) processing and LET (laser and glass etching) processing of thin glasses. We will continue to explore processing technology every day with the goal of meeting the needs of many customers and contributing to society.


Feature 1

Precision glass processing
by combining laser and etching (LET)
※LET(Laser & Etching Technology)

Feature 2

Achieves perfectly round
and fine TGV with damage-free holes

Feature 3

Strong bending strength (transverse strength),
chipping-less glass processing
*Irradiate and cut at a pitch of 1 to 2 μm

Through Glass Vias (TGV) processing
Through Glass Vias (TGV) processing
Precision Glass (LET) Processing with High Bending Strength
Precision Glass (LET) Processing with High Bending Strength

TGV: Through Glass Vias

TGV: Through Glass Vias

An ultra-short pulse near-infrared laser modifies the interior of the glass.
Then, it cuts the glass by changing the composition.

Materials That Can Be Processed (Glass Materials)

  • Soda Lime Glass
  • Alkali-Free Glass
  • Quartz Glass
  • Composite Material (Glass + Resin Film)

Existing Device: Femtosecond Laser Equipment

Equipment Laser Power Wafer Size Corresponding Thickness Alignment Accuracy
Femtosecond Laser Equipment 10W φ100mm~□550×650mm 0.2~1.1mmt ±20μm

Processing Samples

Glass processing sample Glass processing sample TGV sample

New Equipment: Picosecond Laser Equipment

Die Visual inspection (Inspector/Machine)

Equipment specifications (features)

① High power picosecond laser oscillator
② High-precision alignment processing
③ Supports drawing circles, curves, rectangles, etc.
④ Conversion processing from CAD data (dxf)

Equipment Laser Power Wafer Size Corresponding Thickness Alignment Accuracy
Picosecond Laser Equipment Equivalent to 50W φ50mm<300mm、□370×470mm 0.1~1.1mmt ±10μm

*The cutting conditions for glass differ depending on the thickness and material of the glass, so please contact us.

Processing Example

Die Visual inspection (Inspector/Machine)

We perform laser processing and glass etching processing according to the customer’s request, and realize TGV and hollowing processing.
* Etching is processed at a subcontract factory

LET(Laser & Etching Technology)

Precision glass processing is performed by a combination of laser and glass etching (LET).
Chippingless glass processing with high bending strength (contact strength) is possible.

Bending Strength Measuring Instruments Bending Strength Measuring Instruments
